Wear a Uniform

Wear a uniform
Wear a uniform - the latest fashion of today
Choose your army now
... don't be stupid face the times
Wear a uniform
You're out of date all you lone wolves
Choose your army now
... nothing's ahead ... nothing's behind
Nothing's left and nothing's right

Well well well wear a uniform and be someone (be someone)
Don't get me wrong
I think individuality is great
Within its bound'ries
Sure smoke your kind of cigarettes (your kind of cigarettes)
But don't do the competitions brand
You got that partner?

Wear a uniform - the latest fashion of today
Choose your army now
... sign up for the march of time
Trag deine Uniform - das ist die Mode von heute
Such deine Armee
Sieh es ein: So sind die Zeiten

Loners today got no chance
You need more friends
Than your own reflection
Got your choice but choose real fast
'cause if you don't you're crushed
By the action

"Sei du selbst" ist dummes Zeug
Allein, da siehst du keine Schnitten
Friss sonst wirst du selbst zum Fraß
Mahlzeit dann lass dich nicht lange bitten

Be someone, be someone (wear)
Be someone, be someone (wear)
Be someone, be someone (wear)

Which way shall we slit your throat
From right to left
From left to right?

"Haben sie verstanden, Herr Müller?"

Wear a uniform - the uniform
Wear a uniform, a uniform

Wear a uniform - the latest fashion of today (wear a uniform - the latest fashion of today)
Choose your army now (choose your army now)
... sign up for the march of time (... sign up for the march of time)
Trag deine Uniform - das ist die Mode von heute (Trag deine Uniform - das ist die Mode von heute)
Such deine Armee (Such deine Armee)
Sieh es ein: So sind die Zeiten (Sieh es ein: So sind die Zeiten)

Wear a uniform - the latest fashion of today (wear a uniform - the latest fashion of today)
Choose your army now (choose your army now)
... don't be stupid face the times (... don't be stupid face the times)
Trag deine Uniform - das ist die Mode von heute (Trag deine Uniform - das ist die Mode von heute)
Such deine Armee (Such deine Armee)
Sieh es ein: So sind die Zeiten (Sieh es ein: So sind die Zeiten)
Wear, you fucker